Our Diagnostic Laboratory manages this department. It consist of various services that we provide. The purpose of this department is to provide the medical physicians the accurate findings and diagnosis through its tests so that the best possible medical treatment could be provided to our patients. Our Lab services provided here are:
It is responsible for making haemoglobin determinations, coagulation time studies, red and white blood cell counts and other special blood pathology such as semen analysis.
Basically endocrinology is the study of hormones whereby hormones are vital for our everyday survival. They control our temperature, sleep, mood, stress, growth.
It is the scientific study of serum and other body fluids or the diagnostic identification of antibodies in the blood whereby these tests are to confirm infections with bacteria, fungi and viruses that are difficult to detect by other methods.
Includes ABO grouping, Cross Matching, Donor Screening and DAT.
It is the study of living organisms that are too small to see with the naked eye such as bacteria, viruses, algae and etc.
We’re located on the corner of Ratu Sukuna Road and Tokelau Street in Nasese, opposite the Nasese Police Barracks
On-street parking is available around the hospital – please take note of parking signs and restrictions.
Please keep Emergency Entrance clear at all times.
If you need help finding us call (679) 3314450 for directions.
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